Prospective Students

See how you could make a difference by being part of the Shire Lab


We are currently recruiting research assistants to help us with our PRISM project.

As a research assistant, you will have opportunities in:

  • Assessments: Research assistants will be exposed to various assessments that measure engagement, interaction, play skills, language, and autism. You may also have the opportunity to learn to conduct these assessments.

  • Coding: Research assistants can learn to code video recordings of assessments and interventions, which will then be analyzed to understand the outcome of our study.

  • Interventions: Research assistants may have opportunities to see JASPER intervention in action. See how JASPER is used to help children with autism learn joint attention, symbolic play, engagement, and regulation.

  • Supportive Interactions: Research assistants will be a part of a team of wonderful graduate students. Interact and learn from graduate students who have had a diverse experience with educating children with special needs.
(541) 346-2141

Special Education and Clinical Sciences
College of Education
373 HEDCO Education Building

Project LMAESTRO is now accepting applicants for Fall 2024!!! (Deadline December 1, 2023)

Project LMAESTRO will prepare future special education leaders in research, practitioner preparation, and community collaboration focused on:

  • supporting young children with special needs including children with autism

  • implementation science

  • culturally and linguistically responsive practices



Accepted students will receive full tuition, insurance, and a stipend plus:

  • Mentorship and training opportunities with autism experts across our project network

  • Community partnered research and practical training opportunities

For more information on LMASTRO, contact Dr. Stephanie Shire

COllaboration Across Universities to prepare Leaders in Evidence Based Practices, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Diversity

Project CO-LEAD will prepare doctoral students to support students with ASD with an emphasis on improving educational and behavioral outcomes. This Consortium involves Special Education doctoral programs at the University of Oregon (UO), Purdue University (PU) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

Project CO-LEAD will prepare a new generate of scholars focused on:

  • course work and cross program seminars,

  • applied research internship,

  • supervised college teaching,

  • personnel preparation, and professional development experiences

  • conducting research focused on improving educational and behavioral outcomes for children with ASD and their families,

  • using research to improve personnel preparation programs, and

  • preparing highly qualified special education teachers and related services personnel to use evidence based practices with students with ASD.

Project CO-LEAD is funded through the Office of Special Education Program (OSEP), grant number H325D190064 (PIs: Machalicek, Meadan-Kaplansky, Rispoli)